What's next for Wi-Fi?There are several types of new technologies under development that will make it easier for consumers to access the Internet through fixed wireless services. Some providers have initiated wireless access that does not require line of sight radio connectivity. Since many customers may not have line of sight capabilities, this technology could create additional fixed wireless opportunities for consumers. Other providers are implementing systems that are easy for the customer to install and simply "plug and play." Wireless carriers are also planning to provide some measure of high-speed Internet access on mobile, or cellular, phones using what is called "third generation" technology. This technology would give mobile phone users, with the appropriate digital phone, the ability to access the Internet via their phone at speeds up to 2 Mbps (Megabits per second) in order to provide multi-media types of services. These mobile devices would be connected via radio to a network of base stations that in turn provide connection around the country. Most of the national cellular phone carriers are on an evolutionary path to provide data services over their networks, and many carriers have already upgraded their networks to provide mobile Internet access at speeds comparable to landline dial-up Internet access. This capability would give mobile phone users with the appropriate digital phone, the ability to access the Internet via their phone at speeds up to 2 Mbps in order to provide multi-media types of services. Future generations of mobile phone service promise even faster speeds but are envisioned for some time in the future.
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