Copper Tea Pots
Instead look for a heavy copper model lined with stainless steel to ensure long-lasting functionality. Some models are lined with tin, which is not recommended because it wears out much faster than stainless steel (though they can be re-lined at some expense). Once you make; your purchase and bring it home, wash your new kettle thoroughly to remove dust and other substances. Then, on a regular basis wash the inside of the teapot with hot soapy water. Be sure to protect your teapot from scorching by making sure there is always liquid in the kettle before applying heat. To keep your teapot shiny – since copper discolors easily when exposed to air -- polish it with commercial copper cleaner than you can find at a grocery or hardware store. You can create your own copper polish by making a paste comprised of 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon white vinegar, and 1 tablespoon flour. Wear rubber gloves and use the paste like any other metal polish. Or, you can achieve similar results by making a paste comprised of 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of salt. After polishing, always wash the pot in hot soapy water and thoroughly rinse it before buffing. Related ArticlesHow to Brew TeaAutomatic Tea Maker -- Sunbeam Tea Drop Decorative Tea Kettles Return to Home Page from article on Copper Tea Pots |
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