Architecture LinksA Roman Palace in Ex-Yugoslaviahttp://sunsite.unc.edu/expo/palace.exhibit/intro.htmlPresents a virtual tour of the Palace of Diocletian at Split. Provides an online history lesson, architectural images, and everything from art history to CAD. ACADIA[md] The Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecturehttp://www.clr.toronto.edu/ORG/ACADIA/home.htmlFocuses on integrating computer technology into architectural education and practice. Provides a searchable database of conference papers, journals, newsletters, and other contributions. Also provides members a chat space and access to the CAAD resource BBS. AEC Accesshttp://www.interlog.com/~bhewlitt/index.htmlServes the architectural, engineering and construction communities; and is more than just a simple pointer to other AEC-related sites on the net. Provides information, directories, databases, and online services. Primarily serves the an AEC industry service, but provides resources to the public free of charge. Lets you access directories of shareware/freeware files, public forums, and discussion groups. Anderson and Associates: Geographic Information Systemshttp://www.bnt.com:80/anderson/technlgy.htmlSpecializes in technology-based solutions for architectural problems. Offers remarkable digital simulations that use CAD tools to digitally view what a finished project would look like before it was even started. Also offers a geographic information system (GIS), an automated mapping system linked with a spatial database. Also provides information regarding a global positioning system (GPS) that lets you survey land by satellite. ARCHIGOPHERgopher://libra.arch.umich.edu/Attempts to offer unique resources for architectural researchers not readily available anywhere else. Includes image collections of the architectual works of Andrea Palladio, Lunar architecture, Greek architecture, Tunisian architecture, Hellenic and Byzantine architecture and monuments, and 3-D CAD models done by students. Provides links to other gophers, such as Architecture Job Openings, ICARIS, ICOMOS, Architronic, and IRM-tica '93. Architectural Computing Bibliographyhttp://www.arch.unsw.edu.au/faculty/arch/research/archcomp.htmOffers detailed bibliography of references compiled by students studying architectural computing in Sydney, Australia. Provides information about CAD renderings, 3D design, and other information related to computers and architecture. Architecture and Architectural Sculpturehttp://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Experimental/anu-art-history/architecture.htmlServes primarily as a catalog of a large collection of research images of architecture and architectural sculpture in the Mediterranean Basin. Emphasizes classical and Hellenistic architecture in Italy, Greece, and Turkey, and Renaissance architecture in Italy, but also offers a National Gallery Overview link, as well as a link that examines Hong Kong architecture. Architecture and building Net Resourceshttp://www.uky.edu/Artsource/bibliographies/brown.htmlOffers links to many sites that provide information in general architecture, architecture and building, architectural history, architecture libraries, images, university architecture programs, and architectural computing. Architecture of Atlantahttp://www.gatech.edu/3020/architecture/intro/homepage.htmlShowcases some well-known and architecturally significant buildings in the city of Atlanta. Contains the many architectural styles represented in Atlanta, ranging from neoclassicism to streamline modern. Lists and briefly describes buildings and gives dates of construction (and renovation), in alphabetical order by area and period. Arcosantihttp://www.getnet.com/~nkoren/arcosanti/arcosant.htmlArcosanti, a project of the nonprofit Cosanti Foundation, is a prototype archeology ("the concept of architecture and ecology working as an integral process to produce new urban habitats") for 5,000 people, combining compact urban structure with large-scale, solar greenhouses on 20 acres of a 4,000 acre preserve. Provides information relating to the project, such as images and hypermedia, forums, workshops, and lists of events. Building Industry eXchange (BIX)http://www.building.com/bix/aboutbix.htmlServes as an interactive exchange center of building industry resources and communications on the Internet. Features include an education and training center, a government and legislation center, a health and safety center, an environmental protection center, and an advertising and marketing center. Building, Construction, and Engineeringhttp://www.bf.rmit.edu.au/~s9410536/build.htmlProvides construction and engineering information. Offers links to the Division of the State Architect of California and an organization called CSIRO (under construction). Features link to the Construction Sites"link, which provides an index to many other sites, some of which aren't present elsewhere. Serves as a useful index site. Christus Rexhttp://www.christusrex.org/www1/icons/index.htmlFeatures virtual tours of Vatican City, The Sistine Chapel, the Raphael Stanzas, and the Vatican Museum, a wonderous collection of images sure to delight anyone interested in classical architecture and the Italian Rennaissance. Design Architecturehttp://www.netaxis.com/design/Design_Architecture.HtmlShowcases the work of various contemporary architects building around the country today, using still photographs, audio, video, and animation. Currently focuses on a fascinating residential home in Miami. Coming attractions include an architectural exhibition from the Museum Of Modern Art. Offers high-quality graphics and content, as well as some unusual links to other design firms, resource collections, newsgroups, and schools. Digital Design Lab, Columbia Universityhttp://www.arch.columbia.edu/Explores the uses of computer technology in the field of architecture. Focuses on developing 3-D interfaces for multimedia and online learning environments. Uses state-of-the-art animation technology to construct and test these graphics and worlds, which can be based on real-world examples or completely virtual. Offers pedagogical possibilities for anyone who has a computer terminal, but the real gem here is the online tour of Amiens Cathedral in France. Ellipsishttp://www.gold.net/ellipsis/ellipsis.html#topAvant-garde site relating to contemporary architecture and technology. Features "The Interactivator," an interactive computer model that creates an evolving virtual architecture in response to a changing environment, "architecture," an edited listing of architectural sites and events on the net, and "Tokyo[md]a guide to recent architecture," which contains buildings and images. Energy Efficient Housing in Canadahttp://web.cs.ualberta.ca/~art/house/Provides information about and pointers to information about energy-efficient and environmentally responsible housing in Canada (new home construction, renovation, and related topics.) Culls most resources from government offices and public libraries, but also includes technical information about R-2000 homes, which claims to be the most energy-efficient and environmentally responsible houses commercially available. Equinox Design Grouphttp://magicnet.net/~toddmac/equinox.htmlProvides information on landscape architecture and computer consulting. Equinox is a registered trainer for MiniCad, Blueprint, and the forthcoming Graphsoft CAD for Wind. Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsinhttp://www.gnn.com/gnn/wic/arch.03.htmlOffers a virtual tour of all eight of Wright's works in Wisconsin and a multimedia gallery of images, including video images of Wright explaining aspects of his design philosophy and theory of architecture. Provides not only images of Wright's works, but a map and other information regarding real tours of these buildings. Gamsau's Home Pagehttp://www-gams.cnrs-mrs.fr/SOM_ENG.HTMServes as a research group on topics linking architecture and urban design to computer science. Lets you peruse their current scientific program, examine their research activities, and look at images of their projects. Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation (COLUMBIA)http://www.cc.columbia.edu/~archpub/Offers links to the Digital Design Lab at Columbia, the Gateway Learning Laboratory, Building Technologies highlights, and the "City on the Bias: Contouring Istanbul with Indirection." Includes animations, interactive maps, videos, and models. ICARIS[md]CIC Research Networkhttp://audrey.fagg.uni-lj.si:80/ICARIS/index.htmlServes as a research network related to integrated CAD in civil engineering and architecture. Provides access to EDITECH, an education program for civil engineers, NICE, a very useful network of information servers for civil engineering, a searchable library, a mailing list and subscription service, and a Gopher. ICOMOShttp://hpb1.hwc.ca:10002/Focuses on conserving the world's historic monuments and sites. Seeks to establish international standards for the preservation, restoration, and management of the cultural environment. Aims to make available to the larger global community the standards and documentation that the international organization has been developing over the past thirty years via the ICOMOS Documents Page, which includes hypertext versions of many of the charters and agreements that have been established by the organization over the last three decades. LAVA Home Pagehttp://www.tue.nl:80/lava/indexx.htmlProvides information and resources. Features the Gallery, which contains multiple views of the architecture of the most famous museums in America and Europe. Also features the Modelshop, which contains some amazing architectural computer models. Lastly, features the Lab and Studio section, which houses experimental designs and projects. Leininger Home Pagehttp://www.mit.edu:8001/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/m/j/mjl/www/pageone.htmlProvides bibliographic resources. Doesn't provide links to other pages, but offers a guide to architectural periodicals, design and construction sources, a "People, Places, and Things" index, construction diaries, building codes, cost estimation, and design drawing guides with industry standards and specifications. Also includes a bibliography relating to Boston and its architecture. Lighting Research Centerhttp://www.rpi.edu/dept/lrc/LRC.htmlStudies how light, architecture, and people interrelate. Aims "to change architecture, through lighting that is energy efficient and responsive to human needs." Offers links to many other sites that deal specifically with lighting and its applications, but the real highlights involve the student research projects and the "Demonstration and Evaluation of Lighting Technologies and Applications" program, designed to showcase energy-saving lighting techniques in residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Matiu Carrhttp://archpropplan.auckland.ac.nz:80/People/Mat/Mat.htmlInvolves architecture property and planning. Features the Gallery, an eclectic collection of architectural sketches, exercises, images, virtual tours, models, and exhibits, CAD designs, and drawings. Also offers links to Radiance, a lighting design, graphic design, rendering and analysis tool available freely for use anywhere in the world, and the Virtual Studio, an environment for architects "as space and concept engineers, where theory, form, texture and space interweave." MBThttp://www.dnai.com:80/~mbt/Showcases MBT's many works around the San Francisco area. Presents online gallery and brochure that contains a collection of images that demonstrate both the architectural and interior design aesthetic of the firm, and provides artists renderings of the entire external structure. Contains a comprehensive list of clients, project summaries, and other resources. Metropolishttp://virtumall.com/newsstand/metropolis/main.htmlMetropolis, the magazine of architecture and design, explores the ways design (architecture, industrial design, urban planning, graphic design) shapes the world. Provides the current copy, as well as an archive of previous issues. MIT School of Architecture and Planninghttp://alberti.mit.edu/ap/Focuses on the study and design of the human environment[md]architectural, urban, and electronic. Provides all the requisite university information, such as available programs, student and faculty searches, articles, events, and projects. Focuses on urban studies and planning, but offers a fascinating media laboratory of online exhibits, a center for real estate information, a center for advanced visiual studies, and a computer resource laboratory that includes a collection of student drawings and works, as well as works by other reknown architects. Moscow Kremlin Online Excursionhttp://www.kiae.su/www/wtr/kremlin/begin.htmlProvides information for anyone searching on landscape architecture and planning. Brings the city of Moscow alive online, including detailed maps, images, videos, sounds, and historical texts. Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Centerhttp://arch.buffalo.edu:8001/internet/h_pa_resources.htmlProvides information such as architecture and planning firms and services, architecture exhibits and images, building and construction technology resources, CAD and GIS resources, census information and demographic resources, conferences and design competitions, economic development agencies, environmental resources, government agencies and services, historic preservation, and more. Compiles the newest resources available on the web. Renaissance and Baroque Architecture: Architectural History 102http://www.lib.virginia.edu:80/dic/colls/arh102/index.htmlProvides collection of images dealing primarily with France in the Baroque period and Italy during the Rennaissance, for students, scholars, and the public. Rice Design Alliancehttp://riceinfo.rice.edu:80/ES/Architecture/RDA/RDA/Specializes in contemporary architecture and urban design. Lists the many lectures, seminars, symposia, exhibits, and tours that the RDA has sponsored since 1994. Features "Cinemarchitecture V: The Virtual City," a look at how the cinema creates environments and "structures" for characters to live and dwell within. S.P.Q.R.http://www.pathfinder.com/@@VVlENgAAAAAAgOsQ/twep/rome/Offers a beautifully illustrated online computer adventure game from CyberSites. Lets you explore the architecture of ancient Rome while searching for the journals of five Roman characters. Provides excellent playability and phenomenal graphics. Sabo & Zahn Construction Law Attorneyshttp://www.webcom.com/~sabozahn/A firm of architect/attorneys concentrating in construction law. Provides information about the firm, news of interest to architects, and information about the Chicago Chapter Construction Specifications Institute. Provides many links to other law- and construction-related Web sites. School of Architecture Home Page (University of Miami)http://rossi.arc.miami.edu/home.htmHouses the School of Architecture in Miami, replete with course offerings, online courses, lectures, events, and student home pages. Features the Galleria, a forum for student and faculty work, the Athenāum, a library of slides, research publications, maps, and drawings, and the Arquitectura Tropicana, which features images of local architecture in the city of Miami. School of Architecture Property and Planninghttp://archpropplan.auckland.ac.nz/ArchPropPlan.htmlOffers a collection of resources, especially the Virtual Study Tour, an index of links to a number of new architectural creations, as well as reconstructed historic works. Provides access to research projects being carried out by staff and students at the Department of Architecture, as well as images, movies, and discussion in and around the field of architectural visualization. Southeastern Architectural Archivehttp://www.tulane.edu/~lmiller/SEAAHome.htmlContains one of the country's most important architectural research collections. Focuses on the architectural and urban history of New Orleans and the Gulf South, from the 1830s through the 1980s. Presents a "Mini-Tour" of the SEAA, which provides tantalizing glimpses of the types of items in the collection. Space Inkhttp://www.echonyc.com/~danb/spaceint.htmlPresents a multidisciplinary and multimedia laboratory, primarily concerned with investigations of the transformation of architecture and its integration with media. Provides a range of services, such as educational projects, designs for science museum installations, audiovisuals, and virtual reality applications. Offers publications in the form of books, articles, as well as electronic media. Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC)http://www.power.net/users/seaoc-ad/Lets you access the many documents it maintains relating to structural engineering and safety. Also allows you to receive SEAOSC publications via e-mail and provides a healthy set of links relating to everything from wood to seismology. The Architectonics Studiohttp://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~struct/Provides online courseware, historical case studies, structural typologies, correspondance, and essays on teaching technology in Schools of Architecture. Also provides information and samples of MultiFrame, a three-dimensional structural analysis program for the Macintosh. Also features a link to Connector, an independent forum for those interested in the teaching of technology in schools of Archtiecture around the world. The Barcelona Pavilionhttp://archpropplan.auckland.ac.nz/People/Mat/barcelona/barcelona.htmlDesigned as the German Pavilion for the 1929 World Exposition at Barcelona, which was dismantled for shipping back to Germany but vanished in transit. Even with no physical presence it became renowned as a masterpiece of modern architecture, and at this site you can take an incredible virtual tour of this definitive architectural work, as well as examine a varied bibliography of related resources. The Crosby Group's Architectural/Structural Resource Home Pagehttp://www.webcom.com:80/~archeng/welcome.htmlContains online architecture and engineering resources and provides links to libraries, FAQs, e-zines and other industry-related Web sites. Provides links to the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC), the Shock and Vibration Information Analysis Center, and the WWW Virtual Library of Civil Engineering. Also presents a disturbing image exhibit of the structural damage produced by the Kobe earthquake. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Architecturehttp://www.clr.toronto.edu:1080//VIRTUALLIB/arch.htmlPresents a clearinghouse of links to many internet-based architectual resources. Provides informaiton on conferences, jobs, schools, publications, competitions, government agencies, organizations, firms, history, models, engineering, software, news groups, and mailing lists. Virtual Galleryhttp://rossi.arc.miami.edu/cmputing/gallery.htmOffers the School of Architecture's virtual gallery at the University of Miami. Presents examples of the student work produced in the school's computing in design courses. Includes areas for modeling and rendering, graphics, student folios, and animations. Worldwide Architectural Serviceshttp://www.architect.com/Provides an alternative to the "instant Mediterranean architecture so prevalent in Southern California today." Includes examples of several contemporary revivalist architects' work, excerpts from books and articles, art by architects, and a bookstore/source list. Features a collection of the world's best architects. Offers a resource for individuals looking for an architect or merely interested in architecture.
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